Project-Based Learning
Sayre Lower School has adopted project-based learning as a critical component of our curriculum because of its ability to cultivate strong 21st century skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, communication, innovation, and problem-solving.
Reveal Math® develops students' conceptual understanding and habits, making them problem solvers inside and outside the classroom. Mathematical concepts are not presented in isolation, but are linked to situations and contexts that are relevant to our everyday lives. The curriculum is continually differentiated based upon individual strengths and needs. In addition to our structured curriculum, teachers capitalize on the “teachable” moments that emerge across the curriculum and throughout the day to solidify children’s understandings of mathematical concepts in real life context. We certainly do believe that math can be fun!
In a complex and ever changing world, scientific concepts and practices are central to our ability to adapt, innovate, and think critically. Aligned with Next Generation Science Standards, Sayre Lower School’s science curriculum strives to produce scientifically engaged and literate students who can use scientific practices, core ideas and cross cutting principles to make decisions and engage in intelligent discourse. Beginning in Kindergarten, the students are taught general science in a laboratory setting while the integration of science content throughout the curriculum continues in the classroom. Our curriculum helps students develop an understanding of the four disciplinary core ideas: physical sciences; life sciences; earth and space sciences; as well as engineering and technology. Students demonstrate their proficiency by using models, planning and carrying out investigations, analyzing and interpreting data, and engaging in argument from evidence in order to evaluate and communicate relevant information. Students are given the opportunity to experience phenomena first and are then tasked with modeling and explaining what they have observed as they work towards understanding the world around them. Our science program values children’s own thinking, encourages hands-on exploration, and delights in the sense of wonder that comes from experiencing scientific phenomena up close and in person!
Social Studies
Developing a greater appreciation for the people of the world and themselves, Lower School students pursue a wide variety of concepts, ideas, and content in the social sciences beginning at an early age. Using a four domain framework of civics, geography, history and economics, units of study across all grade levels are integrated across disciplines, intertwine with project-based learning, and often end in an interactive, culminating event. Our social studies curriculum supports children in developing a strong sense of self in relation to their community and helps children to see their role in our multicultural world. Students demonstrate knowledge of social studies content through writing, replication of artifacts, creation of maps, virtual simulations, research projects and presentations, and performances.
Language Arts
The ability to read, write, and communicate clearly is critical to academic and life success. We believe that early and regular interaction with text, the joyful experience of reading and writing for pleasure from an early age, and the study of literature develop creative and critical thinking abilities and foster an understanding of forces that help shape our lives. Beginning in preschool, our teachers build children’s early literacy skills by providing opportunities for children to develop their phonemic awareness skills and to gain practice with the symbols that make up our alphabet. Young children are supported in using their emergent writing skills to express their ideas and are encouraged to find delight in the rhythms and stories found in good books. In kindergarten through fourth grade, students have opportunities for daily practice in reading and writing. A curriculum immersed in literacy ensures that our students receive excellent instruction in composing written text and reading quality literature. Our classrooms hum as students read and write across the curriculum all day long.
Curriculums utilized include:
- Heggerty Phonemic Awareness
- 95% Group Phonics
- Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum
- Kid Writing ( Feldgus and Cardonick)
Approaches used:
- Guided Reading
- Literature Circles
- Writer’s Workshop
World Language
Lower School students take Spanish during their preschool and elementary years. Sayre empowers students to explore, comprehend and appreciate cultures and languages as curious and empathetic world citizens. Students are engaged in an active learning process in developing cultural competency and language proficiency for interpersonal, interpretive and presentational communication. The thoughtful use of authentic materials, the target language, and existing and emerging technologies, guides students towards building both language and general literacy skills. Spanish is integrated into project work.
The Lower School art program provides students the opportunity to explore, communicate, and build confidence through art making. The process-based atmosphere cultivates fearlessness and encourages children to take full ownership in their creations. Our urban environment creates opportunities for students to explore galleries, go on architectural treasure hunts, enjoy our campus and become active participants in Lexington’s community engagement through the arts.
Following the Orff-Schulwerk approach to music education, the Lower School music program serves students grade Pk-2 through 4th grade. Preschool and kindergarten music class includes songs and activities such as call and response, echo songs, vocal exploration, creative movement, folk dances, finger plays, puppetry and storytelling. Instruments are used to keep the beat, imitate rhythm, or to provide a creative sound carpet or sound effects. In 1st through 4th grade, students experience a wide variety of music activities including singing, playing instruments, use of body percussion, storytelling, improvisation, creative movement and traditional folk dance. We sing, move, play, and use every square inch of the music classroom!
Technology/Computer Curriculum
Sayre students use technology to acquire information, create, produce, and communicate. In the Lower School, students use a variety of hardware and software to share materials creatively. With guidance, students use the internet to evaluate and acquire information, develop research skills, and experience virtual environments. They learn to format and graphically design a document using word-processing software. Within spreadsheets, students organize data and illustrate mathematical relationships. Students organize information using visual mapping software and create multimedia presentations, 3D printing, manipulating layouts, graphics, audio, and video. Programming and robotics serve to develop creative thinking, problem solving, and collaboration. This curriculum is closely integrated with classroom subject areas, units of study, and project-based learning.